Focus: Philippians 2:20-21 - KJV
20. For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state. 21. For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's.
Philippians 2:19-24
Many believers have been deceived of the devil to assume that the work of the ministry is for self-aggrandizement and therefore they enter into the ministry for their own stomach and not to do that which is of Christ. This has put the ministry of Christ into a strange position of not having many who are minded to do the will and purpose of God, which primarily is reconciliation and then, the nurturing of children into sons and sustaining them as such.
When Jesus Christ was going to commission us through the rock upon which the Church is built coming out of the mouth of Simon Peter, His position simply was and still is, if you love me more than the world and possessions, then feed my lamb and nurture my sheep unto fullness of stature. Paul lamented not having likeminded fellows to commit the assignment to while he was in bond. Ministry is popular today, yet such likeminded fellows are scarce. It is about money, money, money as against souls and their wellbeing.
The Lord seeks that we would seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and not keep putting the kingdom in abeyance for issues of self-benefit. God is not one to owe anyone that faithfully serves Him for He acknowledges always that the laborer is entitled to his hire. So, let us put aside all our selfish concerns and seek the growth and sustenance of the body of Christ, as we walk with Him.
Please pray:
Father, I thank you for the grace to be a minister of your Gospel to the entire world. Thank you for keeping me focused on you and not myself in the delivery thereof. Please help to connect me with likeminded people that we may combine to do your work for greater effect and benefit to the entire body of Christ, in Jesus’ name. Do not allow our efforts in soul-winning become vain for a lack of follow-up and proper integration of the converts, in Jesus’ name. Let today mark the beginning of exponential growth and effect in the body, in Jesus’ name.
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