Focus: Psalms 91:14-16 - KJV
14. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. 15. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 16. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.
Ruth 1:6-16
There is a great gain in casting our love on God particularly in times of trouble. To some, they are quick to quip “where was the Lord when all these things befell me?”; whereas if only they can switch their love and allegiance to the Lord when they pass through tribulations, then are they able to win Him fully to themselves. Incidentally, whenever there is a trouble or persecution befalling any, news of the goodness of God comes to the same so that he may make a choice between continuing to lean on his own understanding and leaning on God’s love. Job suffered loss in the hands of the enemy. But he refused to shift his love and focus away from his God. He called on God and He answered, delivered and honored him with double of what was taken from him. He even satisfied him with long life and he became a lesson on the issue of salvation till date.
There were three widow ladies called Naomi, Orpah and Ruth. They all heard of the graciousness of God in the land from where Naomi came and had resolved to return to. Naomi, not wanting to burden her daughters in law with her kind of ugly fate, entreated them to return to their Moabite families. Despite hearing of the Lord’s goodness, even though with teary eyes, Orpah returned to her old self while Ruth fell in love with the Lord and decided to follow Naomi back to the place where God has been said to be in operation. Ruth’s decision paid off. Through her, Naomi could boast of having offspring again, lived long and in good stead. Ruth herself for so loving the Lord became part of the lineage through whom Jesus came into the world. She had a good life as she became God’s delight even though she was not originally Israeli.
The Lord’s message is reaching out to many about how the coming of Christ has been a game changer for man to translate him from the bondage of sin to life in God through Christ, with the opportunity of being reconciled to God, as father. Those who, like Ruth, receive the message and come to God’s commonwealth, become honored of God and start to experience peace and life. The one who initially put them in turmoil aims to make them hate the Lord who loves them. If only they can choose to love God and follow Him, then will He make provisions for them, succor them and lengthen their days like He did Job and Ruth. But this is strictly a matter of choice. Ruth and Naomi made the good choice and we read of them today. We know no more about Orpah after she made her choice.
SOLUTION: Choose to love God and follow Him without turning back. There are so many benefits in doing so, including long life in good health and prosperity. Make the choice today, and get delivered from your present affliction.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for first loving you and sending to you, words about His prowess and exploits so that you may choose Him
· Pray that whatever will separate you from the love of God through Christ will never come your way
· Ask God to please restore to you doubly all the years that the locusts have eaten of you even as He puts you back in the pride of place
· Pray that, like you, many more will turn to loving God as they hear the good news about Christ and the Kingdom
· Ask for your daily bread today
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