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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Shameless Persuasion

Focus: 2 Timothy 1:12 - KJV

12. For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

2 Timothy 1:8-12

The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is something that we are proud of as His disciples. Those who have understanding will note that the Gospel is something that brings attack from the enemy who does not want the world to know the truth as the truth is meant to set them free from the shackles of hell. Hence, there is so much tribulation from the pit of hell for the carrier of the Gospel. Therefore, those who do know their onions often suffer tribulation and persecution for the sake of the Gospel they carry, without being ashamed believing that Christ Himself whom they have believed is able to carry them through and give them rest in the end. So, they do endure all the pains that come as a result of the tribulation without losing sight of their salvation neither yielding to the plan of the enemy to make them stop in their quest for the Gospel to be propagated. Knowing their Christ, they commit their ways unto Him with the confidence that whatever is committed unto Him, He keeps to the very end. Nothing is able to deter them based on the confidence that they have full coverage in Christ.

Let not the vituperations of the deceived ever deter you from doing that which you have purposed to do for the promotion of the Gospel. The shame the enemy has purposed for you will actually be his because the One you have purposed to represent has you fully covered. By His covering, nothing can affect you that the enemy tries to put up unless you yield to his deception. You will have the last laugh.

SOLUTION: Anytime it appears the enemy is moved against you for preaching the Gospel, rather than relent, please intensify effort in doing it the more. Don’t get tired but tire out the enemy. Create an ignore button on your system and every time they come grumbling as agents of darkness, please just press it.

The Lord whom you have decided to serve will appoint angels of care to care for you every minute of your life from now on in Jesus’ name. No weapon of the enemy fashioned against you shall ever prosper in Jesus’ name. Rather than shame, you will always experience honor in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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