Focus: 1 Chronicles 16:23 - KJV
23. Sing unto the LORD, all the earth; shew forth from day to day his salvation.
Psalms 96:1-13
The Lord deserves to be praised always. It is He that saves us from the effect of darkness brought upon the world through the influence of the enemy called Satan. If not for Him, we would have been destroyed several times over. At times, when we think we or someone else is unworthy, God who is Love and has a purpose and destiny for each of us, sees the person in his state and is available to give him salvation. So, why shouldn’t this God be praised? Remember the story of Hagar in the hands of Sarai. Hagar was just a handmaid. Unknown to her, it had been purposed that she would bring forth a child of destiny unto Abram. So, while Sarai experienced delay, she by herself presented Hagar to her husband to lay with just so that destiny would be fulfilled. When the destiny seed was sown, Sarai found that she made a mistake and detested Hagar. Wherefore, Hagar ran into the desert away from her mistress. But God of salvation located her there and redirected her path to return to her mistress where her portion to be blessed was awaiting her, in submission. Of course, as God rescued her from her wilderness pain, she could only think about praising God even though she was an Egyptian. To many, she brought trouble into the world. But the Lord wanted it so just perhaps to test how loving we His children would turn out. In many ways the Lord is also still saving us from day to day. We ought also to praise Him. The salvation we get, many believe we don’t deserve. Yet by His mercies He bestows it on us.
Are you also going through a wilderness experience of sort? Has your boss turned against you, or your spouse turned against you or your children do not countenance you, or those you have given your best to for over a decade like Hagar are saying to hell with you? Fret not! For the Lord that sees you is available for your salvation. He has saved you in myriad ways before; He won’t abandon you at this time. Just praise Him for He sees you.
SOLUTION: Praise God no matter what. The things He is doing for you are unquantifiable. Many of them you don’t even know about. Don’t wait until you get into the midst of a congregation; praise God at every opportunity from the depth of your heart, most often times, alone. He sees you.
Father, we praise your name for your salvation over us from day to day. Please accept our praises in Jesus’ name. Even in our present circumstances, arise for each of us like you arose for Hagar and didn’t let her perish in the wilderness, in Jesus’ name. Every pain and effect of maltreatment over any of our lives, please wipe away today by your mercy and salvation in Jesus’ name. In all we do, please don’t let our destinies be truncated by the wicked in Jesus’ name.
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