Focus: Romans 8:27 - KJV
27. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
1 Samuel 16:4-7
There is a place in man that God looks to in order to determine the person of the man. While, men look at the outward appearance and the lies that protrude from the mouths of men, God discerns their hearts. And until the heart be right, it cannot conform to the will of God. Therefore, God through Christ has given to man His Spirit to help man to structure his heart aright so as to meet with the will of God. The way however, to such structuring is by utilizing the Spirit in him to pray unto God according to His will. Otherwise, the hearts of men are desperately wicked, ordinarily, and there is no way the will of God can be formed in such.
Samuel was a great prophet: one whose words God did not allow to fall to the ground. If he had not been in constant communion with God, he would have been deceived into picking from the house of Jesse, as the Lord directed, a wrong person as the king for Israel. Of course, he would have been right only up to the point of picking a son of Jesse; but he would have left out the one after God’s heart.
In order to be perfect in God’s will, we are directed to pray without ceasing and particularly in the Spirit as He is the one that understands the will of God, deeply. If we pray in the Spirit, when God comes to search our heart, He would find by the Spirit, that we seek His will and would most certainly yield always to His will being done. From this day, therefore, let us cultivate the greater habit of praying in the Spirit in order not to fulfil the purpose of the flesh but be in the will of God.
Please pray:
Thank you, father for granting us your Spirit that we may through Him fulfil your will. Please purify my heart by your Spirit that you may always find me worthy in Jesus’ name. Let not the flesh dominate my affairs into being misled like prophet Samuel was first misled in the house of Jesse. Let your Spirit overwhelm my heart to blot out errors therefrom, in Jesus’ name. Let today be a day of huge blessings in my affairs, through your Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
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