Focus: Romans 10:3-4 - KJV
3. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. 4. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
Romans 1:16-17
When Paul said: for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, one is made to wonder “why should anyone be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, and what is the content thereof?” It is apparent that some others were afraid to publish the Gospel of Christ, and it is glaring that there was much in the Gospel that offended the Jews of the time. Even the authors of the Gospel appear to have been economical with the publishing of the content of the Gospel of Christ which is to be better understood from His words, than just the information that He did miracles, signs and wonders; and died for the sin of man as had been prophesied. Indeed, if the words He spoke are spirit and life, like He said, why did Luke not tell us what His sermon was to the crowd in Luke chapters 4 and 5. And what precisely was Mary listening to when she sat at His feet when Martha was making food?
It is clear that the words of Christ offended the leaders of the Jews because it was preached in boldness against the law and the traditions of the fathers. All of that were far from the righteousness of God for God is never a destroyer like they made the Jews to believe. Rather, He is a loving Father and one who is rich in mercy and grace. He is never willing that any should perish but come to repentance. That, as it is, offends the tradition of stoning “offenders” to death, or giving an eye for an eye, and life for life. From the few things the authors of the Gospels recorded of the words of Christ, particularly John who recorded Christ saying “your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and died”, and Matthew in the Beatitudes, we are able to see that Christ came to show the righteousness of God away from the impression of a brutal God presented by the fathers.
Dear friend, if we are truly of Christ and intend to make the Kingdom, we are to yield to Christ in obedience. At any rate, He is the only one for whom the heaven opened and the voice came saying we should hear Him. Hearing Him is to submit to the righteousness of God through His words and forsaking the traditions of the Jewish fathers that are in variance with His words. It is not in submission to the righteousness of God to want to replicate some of the acts of the fathers that suggest God is a destroyer. Rather, let us emulate Christ and follow His instruction in all we do. God is righteous. Everyone that comes to Him, He receives with gladness, like Christ depicted in the story of the prodigal son. No, He will not destroy you when you repent. Those that are to be left to destruction by the one they prefer are those who in the very end, cling to the devil. They will be left to him to stick with outside, where there will be weeping and wailing. Hence, the door is still open for you to come to God and be received, no matter how your past has been.
SOLUTION: Take the opportunity today to be embraced of the Lord. Just submit to His righteousness by believing Christ that God is not wicked, and that when we humble ourselves and return to Him, He receives us in love and kindness.
Please pray: Father, I come to you today dear righteous God; please receive me unto your light in love in Jesus’ name. Let me begin to radiate your light from today in the name of Jesus. I know you are not wicked like others want me to believe. Therefore, let your love dominate my life forever more, that I may also be more like you, in Jesus’ name.
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