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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Take Down The Vail

Focus: 2 Corinthians 3:18 - KJV

18. But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.


2 Corinthians 4:4-6


The ministry committed to the hands of Moses outside of getting Israel out of Egyptian bondage was simply tagged the ministry of condemnation; whereas that revealed through Christ is of reconciliation and revelation of the glory of the living God. Moses was opportune to see the backside of the glory of God and for it, he caught a little glimpse of the glory thereof, and his face shone like the sun. Rather than have the people appreciate the glory, he needed to put a vail on it as it was said it could blind the people. Scriptures say, when Moses is read up till this day, the same vail is still upon the hearts of the people, blinding them from seeing the glory of God. But the one Jesus Christ, shared the same glory with the father from the beginning, and when He came to earth, he revealed the same through His works, words and actions to the extent that many are transformed unto appreciating the glory, living by it and growing into it from one level to other higher levels.


That which the Lord Jesus Christ left with us is such that we may all behold the glory of the father and be partakers thereof, and not just Christ alone; and that He may be firstborn amongst many brethren. Now we know that God is love and that without love it is impossible to be like God. How do we claim to love God when we cannot love our brother whom we see? Some charlatans will claim to love and seek to kill the person they claim to so love. How do you throw stones at a person whom you are commanded to love? It does not tally! But that was what Moses commanded which vailed the hearts of many from seeing the truth of God and many are still following that way today, believing there is a vailed glory behind their wicked acts.


It is important for the believer to stand in and stick with love, the practicality of which was revealed to us in Christ Jesus, by emulating Him fully by the help of the Holy Spirit. By this, the believer himself can start to behold the glory of God like in a mirror, which glory translates him to the image of the father which the father purposed for him from the beginning. If we continue to operate in the ministry of condemnation, then we are not different from the people of the Old Testament who were unable to know God of themselves. Now, by the ministry of reconciliation, we can all now approach the throne of Grace where we see the father in His glory and call Him Daddy and He relates with us as His sons. This is a preferred position given to us through grace than that which obtained hitherto.


SOLUTION: It is important we appreciate what the Lord has done for us through Jesus Christ that we are able to radiate the same glory that the father has. We can only so do if we dwell in love and shine the same glory to others. Soon we will look like Christ who is the true image of the father in glory.


Please pray:

·      Give thanks to God who has given us the right of adoption into His family whereby we call Him our father

·      Pray that the glory of the Lord be revealed upon your life so that like Christ, you may also begin to heal the world of its decay

·      Ask God to please prove Himself in your life as a believer as against the lives of those operating the ministry of condemnation

·      Pray God to silence every hypocritical mocker over your life and family

·      Ask God for your daily bread today


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