Focus: 1 Peter 2:5 - KJV
5. Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 3:1-6
Every believer is a spiritual house built by Christ and inhabited by the Holy Spirit. Christ is the High Priest of the believer’s calling. In the order of Melchizedek, the believer is built a house to offer unto God holy and acceptable sacrifices better and above the sacrifices of the Levitical priests. And because we are built of God, as long as we remain holy, we have access to the holiest through Him and our offerings are acceptable to God by Christ.
In the days of old, Moses and the Levitical priests, built tabernacles for the offering of sacrifices unto God. In it, they had the altar of burnt offerings in the outer court and then the altar of incense in the inner court where the offerings are presented as sacrifice. The priest had first to be purified before he could access the altar of incense. By Christ, we are made pure and already, living sacrifices. We have access to the holiest and can cry Abba Father even as we address the Most High. We need no more offering for cleansing.
The Lord is showing us our placing in the heavenly places that we may no more be afraid to the extent of not appearing in His presence. We are built to be acceptable in His presence and our offerings are also meant to give Him sweet smelling savor always, because of the way we are crafted by Christ. Hence, going forward, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness like the son would approach his father and not allow anything to suggest something otherwise to us.
Please pray:
Thank you, father for the grace to be hinged unto you and to be a tabernacle not built with hands but by our Lord Jesus Christ before you. Please let our appearing always be pleasing unto you in Jesus’ name. By reason of our being your children, as living sacrifices, let our offerings always bring sweet savor to you, that we may enjoy your blessings always in Jesus’ name. Please let the Holy Ghost pray through us always that our prayers may forever be the mark of acceptance, in Jesus’ name.
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