Focus: John 6:48 - KJV
48. I am that bread of life.
Genesis 3:22-24
The reason the Lord sent the first Adam out of the beautiful garden where He had kept him and his family was to prevent him from living forever, having ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and, like every other spiritual being, could decipher between the two. Hence, the tree of knowledge differs from that of life. Nonetheless, God, who is Love, has a formular for giving life back to man so that he may live forever. That which was withdrawn from him in the tree of life has been re-presented unto him in the bread of life. The essence of the tree and the bread is to live forever. Jesus is the bread of life. Therefore, even though there is no access to the tree, that which the tree bore is being presented to mankind in Jesus Christ. Unless and until we understand fully the essence of the coming of Christ and imbibe His doctrine fully, we continue to be like the first Adam without access to life. No wonder He said He came to give life and life more abundantly.
The Israelites ate a type of the bread when in the wilderness. Unfortunately, that was just the food of angels and was not enough to guarantee living forever but sustenance for the meanwhile. It was called “manna” which simply means what is this? However, Jesus being the true bread that is from the father has the capacity to give anyone who partakes of Him, eternal life. That is why, even though He was crucified, dead and buried, as the giver of life, He rose again from the dead to live forever, never to die again. He who must give everlasting life must be one who lives Himself. Christ lives; eternal life is certain for those who are His, who live their life according to His tenets and dictates. We speak not of the Holy Communion here. The communion is symbolic of the commemoration of His remembrance for that which He came to do for us so as not to easily lose sight of the benefits. Partaking of Him is about carrying His person within our beings so that we live by Him. That is achievable by carrying His word (Word of Life) in us.
Today, the Lord is pointing us to the bread of life that is given that we may live forever. This Bread is alive and is so by His word. Imbibing Christ is by letting His word abide in us. It is the word that leads us to live forever. It operates as the fruit of the tree of life in those who allow it to abide in them. Losing sight of the word is exposing ourselves to danger. When the enemy comes to steal, his only target is the word. Once he succeeds in stealing the word from our hearts and it is no longer abiding, we can then be tossed to and fro by winds of doctrine which make a man blind to the truth and life. Those who allow the word to abide in them are equipped with capacity for the Spirit to raise a standard against the flood of death brought by the enemy against them. If life be sweet, then there can be nothing sweeter than living forever. That we obtain from the Bread of Life.
SOLUTION: The treasure of the believer is encapsulated in the word of God. Never allow the word to depart from your heart. Imbibe and meditate on it day and night. Therein lies eternal life for you.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for giving us the opportunity to live forever again despite the misbehavior of our fore parents
· Ask God to please appoint unto us genuine teachers of the word so that through deep study, we may truly imbibe the word
· Pray that the Lord prevents the devil from accessing the treasure you have stored up thus far and even the ones you are laying on them
· Ask God to please make you inherit eternal life by reason of the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ His Son
· Ask for your daily bread today
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