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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

The Cheerful Giver

Focus: 2 Corinthians 9:8 - KJV

8. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:


2 Corinthians 9:6-9


One of the greatest things in life that brings man to splendor is giving. The devil knows this and does everything to discourage people from giving. He tries to deceive them on why it is improper to give whereas, the refusal to give is a way to real hardship in that it tantamount to disobedience to God. As we all know that God is Love, His major attribute is giving. Even as the entire law of God is love, it is impossible to love without giving. Think about it: the reason to withhold giving is borne out of lack of love or simply put, hatred. If indeed we do love, then it will not be difficult to give. Meanwhile, those who give are accorded sufficiency in all things that they may continue to abound in good works, particularly, operating in love, through giving.


What the Lord is pointing us to today is never to be weary in good doing. The enemy has sown tares to suggest that giving only leads to making pastors wealthy. The pastors that get wealthy by such are only gluttonous in that they are non-givers themselves and are bound to answer to God as they are never abounding in good works. But the fault of the gluttonous pastor should not discourage the well-meaning from doing the will of God. When we operate in the will of God, we are the beneficiaries of the grace poured out by God therefor. If we because of a wrongdoer enter into wrongdoing, the situation is never resolved but compounded thereby. Two wrongs never make a right.


SOLUTION: Give and it shall be given unto you. Do it gladly and not in a disgruntled manner. For as long as we remain on this side of eternity, our sustenance is based on love, a vital part of which lies in cheerful giving.


Please pray:

·     Thank God for providing for you all that you can lay claim to at this time as they all belong to Him, primarily

·     Tell the Lord to provide all your needs from today according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus

·     Pray that the Lord will give you the means, courage and enablement to serve others by being a cheerful giver in love

·     Ask God to forgive your past ways of neglecting the needy when you had enough to spare from

·     Let the Lord into those things currently causing you heartache and ask Him to please lift your burdens completely



If you are blessed by this post, kindly share with your contacts, as well as others, that they may be blessed also. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly as you do so, in Jesus’ name.


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Mar 18

Thanks for this timely message sir. God bless you always

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The good Lord be praised for His faithfulness. You are blessed sir

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