Focus:2 Timothy 3:16-17 - KJV
16. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17. That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
2 Peter 1:19-21
Life is full of experience. The experience someone goes through in life may differ from that of the other. Yet, life is a long haul not necessarily terminating with that of any individual. For a new man not to go through the negative experience of his predecessor or fail to take advantage of the positive experience, he needs to have information of such experience to take benefit of it. Hence, to forestall those of us in the latter generation from repeating the mistakes of the people of old, the Lord in His wisdom, inspired authors to make a record of the things experienced by the people of old that it may be available to us for our choice of the way to go. However, in the case of the scripture, it is a compendium that must be taken together to appreciate the mind of God regarding the experiences compiled therein. If any part is taken in isolation, the tendency is for the reader to get confused and assume the experience described in that part, which is not in tandem with the mind of God, is the injunction of God.
All of the characters in the Old Testament did not attain the level that God expects of man. Yes, He took Enoch who walked with Him but He did not give the description of how he so walked with God to qualify him for being taken. Perhaps so that he may not be idolized among men. God gave Elijah the ability to call down fire; it however could never have been the mind of God that he used the power to destroy other men, when it is God that said thou shall not kill. Studying Elijah without knowing Christ will make one to emulate Elijah in killing and thereby displease God. Hence, unless we understand all scripture, we are unlikely to be righteous as the Lord would want. Perfection is in knowing the scripture and being instructed properly by it into doing all good works. Scripture was available to Saul of Tarsus who, rather than be furnished unto good works was full of venom and destruction. That, because he did not have all scripture at his disposal as he was reluctant to receive that which the Holy Spirit was poised to give by the New Testament.
The Lord is guiding us to understand that our experience in life will be assisted if we have understanding of scripture to receive instruction not to make the mistakes of the past and to relive the good deeds of the past so as to be acclaimed righteous and to strive on towards perfection. It is therefore important that we pay attention to the stipulates of scripture as a compendium and not necessarily placing reliance on individual verses or chapters or books. There are assertions in the book of Job for instance, which God said of those who made them that they were misrepresenting Him. The fact that it is contained in scripture has made many to take them as good news and be acting on it. Let us be careful to sieve scripture with the comb of the Holy Spirit so as to have the particular instruction God intends to pass.
SOLUTION: Half education is dangerous. Unless we study to show ourselves approved unto God as workmen rightly dividing scripture, we cannot take the full benefit of the instructions contained in scripture for our nurturing and building up. Study fully and extract the deep things of God from scripture.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for making abundant provision for you to be guided to avoid the pitfalls of past actors upon the earth
· Ask God to please forgive you for not giving the right attention to all scripture before now
· Pray that the Holy Spirit may illuminate all scripture in your heart such that when the enemy attempts to mislead by adulterating the scripture, you may be able to withstand him
· Ask that the blessings intended by God for you from the knowledge of all scripture may start to manifest in your life from today
· Ask God for your daily bread for today
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