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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

The Fear of the Lord

Key verse: Psalms 19:9-11

9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. 10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. 11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.

1 Samuel 20:1-3

When the enemy starts to torment the righteous, it brings grievous pain in its pangs. Some of the times, the victim wonders why such fate should befall him. Nevertheless, when one fears the Lord, he holds on to the words of God and does nothing to offend God even in the circumstance. For God is a righteous judge. He will not allow His own to suffer for nothing. He stands firm in judgment to give recompense to the workers of iniquity.

David was an innocent younglad who came to the battle field where Saul and the Israeli army were, only to deliver the father’s errand. He however could not stand by and watch the mockery of his God, his king and his people. He decided to take the king’s impending shame away in the name of the Lord. When he succeded and his praises went abroad, the king that was rescued suddenly became an enemy seeking to devour David. Alas, the giant killer had to run for his dear life and became a fugitive to the land he rescued dwelling in caves. But when the Lord decided to restore him, not only did the king lose his life, his household too suffered the same fate for it. Meanwhile, even though the lad David had opportunity to strike the king, he withheld his hand because he feared God.

Beloved, no matter the caliber of persons moving against you today, as you remain steadfast in your fear of God, He whom you fear will preserve you and judge your adversaries adequately for your sake. It does not matter their fortification and game plans. The number of assassins in their arsenal not withstanding, hand joined in hand, so shall they be discomfited for your sake. Our God is not a respecter of persons. What is material to Him are His principles. Are you righteous? Do you fear the Lord enough to abstain from evil? Keep at it. It is more precious than gold and sweeter than honey. When He comes with His wrath on your assailants, even you will plead for mercy on their behalves.

Pray: Father, I have no power of my own to overcome those who seek to prey on me for no cause. Please arise for my rescue and judge them that wrongfully persecute and seek my hurt in Jesus name.

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