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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

The Judge is Coming

Focus: Psalms 96:13 - KJV

13. Before the LORD: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth.

Acts 17:23-31

In this world today, many claim to worship God whom, unfortunately they do not know. And because they do not know Him, they are not able to worship Him correctly. In Yorubaland, for instance, to pay obeisance to a king, you lie prostrate as a man or kneel down as a woman; whereas in England, all you have to do before the Crown is bow a little to show respect. It follows that a British subject appearing before a Yoruba king, unless re-tutored, is not likely to be pleasing to the king as he comes just bowing down. The King of kings is one that must be accorded the worship due Him. The ways of mankind before Him must conform with His tenets. Such tenets are found in the Gospel and by that Gospel, He has appointed the Christ who is the main thrust therein to judge those who are disobedient to the things of God. Bottomline: the judge of the earth is coming soon to pour His wrath on sinners. The scripture calls them wicked and at judgment they will be treated as such who continue to treat the Lord as insignificant. Incidentally, the day of His coming is nearer today than it was yesterday. Oh! True, for many years it has been said He would come and He is yet to come. Perhaps just so that you may be counted among those who are repentant and be judged as righteous in the end He has tarried till today. Don’t let that be a waste.

Beloved, the time is ripe from all the signs and indications that the Judge of the World is about to come. Have you been pleasing to Him in your ways? Those who have heard the good news and live by it will be accounted as saints in the judgment to come. Conversely, those who don’t so live shall be judged as wicked servants and sent into eternal damnation. In eternal damnation there will be unending weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. Whereas those judged righteous are brought into the unending bliss with their Lord. Today is a day of decision. Decide for bliss and not damnation. God bless you.

SOLUTION: Take steps to know the God you claim to serve. The only way to knowing Him is in Christ Jesus which is set out in the Gospel. Study therefore the Word to show yourself approved unto God a workman rightly dividing the word of truth.

As the Lord comes to judge the world, I pray you will not be lumped with the wicked in Jesus’ name. The grace to know Him and the power of His resurrection the Lord will deliver unto you in Jesus’ name. All your efforts in the Lord and your labor in the vineyard shall not be in vain in the name of Jesus Christ.

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