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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

The Lord’s Scanner

Focus: Psalms 26:2 - KJV

2. Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.

Psalms 26:1-12

The heart of the ordinary man is loaded with wicked thoughts and even God judged him and said, ‘the heart of man is desperately wicked, who can know it?’. Man has a way of concealing evil inside and presenting to the unsuspecting, a good mien until the evil is finally unleashed. When Cain invited Abel to the field where he worked, the poor brother could not have suspected by his mien that he meant to kill. The rest is history. Even Shakespeare said there is no art for finding the mind’s construction on the face.

With such wickedness, there is no way for man to please God. Unless we are pleasing to Him, or He extends the scepter of mercy our ways, there is no way we enter into His presence to partake of His real goodness. This is responsible for the downturn in many lives. Where however, the Lord finds a good heart, He draws near also, to the same to bestow His blessings. This, David recognized and when he experienced a downturn, he checked himself and realized he did not deserve the same. He therefore, invited the Lord who can never be deceived with the state of the heart to scan him over and see he did not deserve a downturn. God without anyone saying, knew the heart of Cain when his sacrifice was rejected, and when he eventually committed murder.

The Lord’s scanner sees the state of all our hearts and nothing is hidden from Him. If, like David, we can account for our good works without finding spots of darkness or undue romance with it, we can equally show our cause to God like David did for an intervention in our situation. If, however, we find spots and wrinkles, we should plead for His mercy particularly because, all of our righteousness are like filthy rags before Him; and if we do, He will extend to us the scepter of mercy. Nonetheless, it is more profitable to present a pure heart that will pass the test of God when scanned so that we may be ordinarily worthy, since mercy is His absolute prerogative. He determines the person He would show mercy to: no one can compel it.

SOLUTION: Let nothing out of place be found in you at any time. The Lord’s scanner is always scanning our hearts to determine who is entitled to His kindness and kingdom endowment. Walk always in truth and stay away from vain people and evil doers.

Father, we look up to you for the manifestation of your loving kindness upon our lives. Please, find us worthy today by your mercy in the name of Jesus Christ. Terminate every handwriting and ordinance of evil in all of our lives by your presence in Jesus’ name. For the rest of our lives, help us to be pleasing unto you in Jesus’ name.

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