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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

The Man God Looks To

Focus: Isaiah 66:2b - KJV

… but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.

Isaiah 57:14-21

Since the fall of man, iniquity is a thing man has embraced and engages in like a norm, in every day life. And, since the eyes of the Lord cannot behold iniquity, when it abounds, the Lord is wroth with man in his iniquity and therefore withdraws His light from the face of man. Man ends in darkness and experiences torture and disdain as a part of living. But, because the Lord is merciful, He looks to every man that would take a thought and realize the wickedness embedded in iniquity so that he decides to turn away from such state in the fear of God. When the Lord sees such a contrite spirit, He returns to rescue the same from the wreck of darkness, into His own bosom of light. The effect is that, although he appears to be around many people who are experiencing pain, he is operating in joy. Israel had committed iniquity by entering into whoredom with another nation. God’s wroth came and the darkness that covered the nation brought about a plague that was devouring the nation on an alarming rate. Then, despite the plague, a fellow took another whore into his tent to continue the whoredom and Phineas decided to avenge the Lord by spearing the two actors to the tent ground in their act. The contrite spirit in Phineas brought him to repentance and to have disdain for whoredom. His action brought respite to Israel and the Lord specifically acknowledged him in the scheme of things. God found a contrite spirit in Phineas and honored it.

In the midst of the rot that is upon the earth, the Lord is looking to the man that will show a contrite spirit that would draw His light upon himself and his people. Will you be the one? Your contrite spirit must be the one that loves righteousness and detests iniquity. Once the Lord finds the same, rest assured that a turnaround is on the way as His light will surely repel darkness for your sake.

SOLUTION: Only righteousness exalts a nation. Sin is definitely a reproach to many people. Let your righteousness be so assertive in the face of rot and crass immorality.

Father, we plead the blood of Jesus today over every user of this Guide. Let the blood that speaks mercy avail for us Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ. By the blood, let contrite spirits be formed in us, so that we may fit into your light in Jesus’ name. Please, let no power of hell be able to pluck us away from your hand ever in Jesus’ name. Do bless us with the blessings in your light in Jesus’ name.

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