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The Right Pastors

Focus: Jeremiah 3:15 - KJV

15. And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.


Acts 20:26-28


The Lord had promised to give unto us Pastors according to His own heart. The heart of the Lord is pure and good and therefore, His heart is to give us good and kind pastors. Pastors are shepherds and Jesus, whom He gave us is the good shepherd; for the good shepherd lays down His life for the flock. When we see pastors, they are to be measured along the lines of the good shepherd to know whether they are from the Lord or they are mere hirelings. The position of the pastor sent from God is to reveal to the flock everything he gets from the Lord through the Holy Spirit, for the nourishing of the flock. Holding anything back is heinous and can make the said pastor guilty of the blood of every sheep that gets lost by it. For freely are we given, we are expected to also freely give. Where a pastor reserves some things unto himself away from the sheep, he would have succeeded in failing God in that light. What if God had not been a good Shepherd to him to release such unto him, would he have known it to draw from? Christ delivered to us everything the Father gave Him for us and Paul did not withhold anything from the Church. Indeed, he spent and he was glad to be spent for them. That is the requirement of the Lord from the pastors He appoints unto His flock.


Today, therefore, the Lord is asking those appointed as shepherds unto His flock: are you still connected to the source and if you are, are you releasing to the flock that which the Lord gives to you? If you are doing what is expected how come it seems the salt has lost (or is losing) its savor so fast in your time? And for the flock, the Lord is saying why is it that the truth He has been sending your way through devoted pastors have no impact in your life to cause you, as salt, to bring healing to the world? The focus now is that we be not just hearers but doers of the word. When we do what the Lord serves us from upright pastors, the world will begin to be a better place to live and the light will begin to shine again in darkness. Let also the pastors realize for whom they work, and be upright to form part of the performance of God’s promise of giving the people Pastors after God’s own heart. Those things held back from the flock as things for which the pastor assumes he would have a hedge above the flock, is done in wickedness, and therefore, should be redressed.


May the Lord give us truly Pastors according to His own heart particularly at this time that the whole expectation of the creatures awaits the manifestation of the sons of God, in Jesus’ name. May the Lord touch the hearts of existing pastors to tune them into doing fully the will of God, in the midst of the flock, in Jesus’ name. May the Lord forgive us all, of our actions or inactions in times past, that has contributed to the further decay of the world, in Jesus’ name. Let the Lord arise and cause His light to shine all over the world by instilling His truth into the pastors, and the flock as well, to do them, in Jesus’ name.


SOLUTION: Don’t just keep on going on as if what you do has no consequence. Check and reflect whether you are of the right impact. It is important to ensure that we do the will of God in all that we do, whether as pastors or members of God’s flock.



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