Focus: Malachi 3:6 - KJV
6. For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
Numbers 23:19
Our God is the same at all times. He is constant and can never deny Himself. He is different from man, who, rather than exhibit the tenets of He that formed him, he has embraced the vagaries of the enemy who is a pathological liar, shifting from time to time. Liars do lie to forestall a situation. God has no reason to lie for He is the Almighty: there is none before Him. This portends that when God makes a promise, He will not renege from it. He would ensure He performs it, no matter what the enemy tries. Yes, the recipient of the promise may believe a lie, but because God is faithful, even though that believed lie may cause a delay, God will eventually bring His promise to pass.
Israel got God’s promise of protection and safety in their journey unto the promised land. The immediate migrants from Egypt believed a lie that the Lord was not able to take them safely which belief caused forty years of rigmarole in the wilderness. Yet, the Lord did not allow them to be consumed in the wilderness. He got them to the promised land except those who rather preferred Egypt. God promised to be with Joshua like He was with Moses. One of his lieutenants believed a lie and caused a defeat at Ai. Joshua verified and found that God had not changed. Eventually He defeated Ai because God was with him like He had promised.
The Lord is reassuring us today that we can take His promises to us to the bank to draw on, if we like. It is that even though heaven and the earth may pass away, His word or any part of it, will not fall to the ground. It is therefore, Important for us to believe God for who He is and start rejoicing in Him for His promises. For even though it tarries, it will not tarry; wait for it for it shall surely come to pass. The enemy may create a lie that makes the situation appear insurmountable, please believe God still for that which the enemy presents is only a mirage aimed at making us make a wrong choice. Stick with God today.
Please pray:
Thank you, Lord for being with me always and being my help in ages past. I put my hope absolutely in you despite what I am experiencing even at this time. Please, let not my hope be dashed dear Lord, in Jesus’ name. Take me from the level the enemy has purposed for me and take me to the heights you had promised, my unchanging God, in the name of Jesus Christ. Let today mark the turning point from waiting into performance of your promises for my life, in Jesus’ name.
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