Focus: Acts 20:32 - KJV
32. And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
Ephesians 1:14-23
The word of God is the pointer to the person of God. Those who hear and retain the word in themselves are set apart by it for a special inheritance which is in Christ Jesus that the Lord has afforded Him for His victory over the devil when He died for our sins on the cross. It is through our knowledge of the word that we are built up to the stature of becoming saints, by the grace of God that is in the word. The Christian faith is a progressive journey. It starts from the point of becoming born again until the point of full sanctification whereat we are able to perform wonders in the name of Jesus here on earth, which is also part of the inheritance of the saints; as well as receive full inheritance in glory hereafter. The reason many are said to be Christians but deny the power behind the Christian faith is that they, and their handlers, are not grounded in the word of God’s grace and therefore are not built up or grown in stature as intended by God, through the word.
While still in the world, Paul thought he was correct about his religious beliefs and actions that he would mess those who were being driven by the word of God’s grace up. But a time came when he encountered the word of transformation and from the moment he believed, he settled down to experience the washing of water by the word such that, he grew from infant believer to becoming the last of the Apostles, full of grace and power, craving to know more of the Lord in every bit of his Christian journey. Even though many others had not achieved his level of grace, he refused to accept that he had attained, but sought to be conformed with Christ and the power of his might until he became fully saturated and declared he had finished his race. It was that he had been sanctified or set apart a saint in Christ, awaiting the crown that was reserved for him by the Lord.
Beloved, we have heard such things like we are all sinners and only that the way we sin may differ one from the other. This should not be said as if to say sinfulness is common to man and need not be condemned. No. From the time we give our lives, we enroll in the school of the Spirit to build us up by the word. For as long as we still carry sinfulness in our beings in any form or the other, we remain in the class where we must pass before we can be promoted. Many have been in one class from day one until time passes on them. This is not the mind of God for you. Like a jolly good student, you must strive by the help of your tutor, the Holy Spirit, to pass the exam set for every little fox trying to destroy your vine and preventing you from full sanctification. It is only when we are truly sanctified that we can partake of the inheritance of the saints; not when we still operate the foxes.
SOLUTION: Develop a mind to learn the word of God, internalize and do it to the letter. It is only then you can be like God who is His word. Acting on the word is manifesting the word, who is God. Nothing short of that is acceptable to God as pass mark.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for giving you the grace to have access to His word which many others crave but cannot get
· Ask God to please help you to retain His word in your heart so that the enemy may not steal the treasure from it
· Pray that you may be more like the maker by reason of His word which you imbibe and act on so that the power therein may manifest through you
· Ask God to please ensure your full sanctification so that you may not miss your inheritance with the saints
· Ask for your daily bread for today.
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