Focus: Psalms 37:4 - KJV
4. Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Isaiah 58:13-14
Those who delight themselves in the Lord invariably get the desires of their hearts granted them. But then, let us pause momentarily to understand what the scripture says: what is it to delight ourselves in the Lord? Fulfilling the will of God is what delights our God. It is those who abide in Him and have His words abide in them that delight Him. And there is no way we so abide that we move away from fulfilling His will since we have somehow had a rob off of His being on us. It is like putting a metal in the midst of magnet. The metal begins to become magnetic with time. So is he who abides in the Lord.
Jesus had a mind. But because it was not the will of Him in whom He dwells, He could not carry it through. His mind was to escape the humiliation of the cross and find another route to salvation and fulfilling the will of the father. That was the desire of His heart. He prayed the greatest prayers He had ever done. The one who said repetitive prayer is not right prayed repetitively till He was sweating blood. Nevertheless, since He knew it was a wrong desire, He eventually subsumed that desire to the will of the one in whom He dwells, which will He knew glaringly. Then did He receive succor and support.
The Lord is saying it is futile to know the will of God and keep presenting a desire that is contrary to the same. Such desire will not be granted no matter how much we try or pray unless we prefer to be expunged from our abode in God. If we must continue to abide, His will becomes ours and we will only desire those things He approves. A desire that runs counter to His will is from the enemy and He will not have anything to do with the things of the devil. Let us therefore, ensure our hearts align with His will so that we may forever obtain the desires of our hearts from Him without fail, or delay.
SOLUTION: Abide in the Lord and let His words abide in you; then are you submissive to His will and your desire will not be antagonistic of His will. In that state, it will surely be granted you.
Please pray:
· Give thanks to God for the grace for little you to abide in Him, the Most-High
· Pray that His person may rob off on you more and more daily through the power of His word
· Ask that He will please make your desire to align with His will in all ramificationss from today
· Tell Him to please obliviate every desire of yours that run counter to His will and subsume them under His will forever
· Daily bread request
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