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Those Called By God's Name

Writer's picture: Jide OlaoreJide Olaore

Focus: Isaiah 43:7 - KJV

7. Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.


Acts 15:13-20

Known unto God are all His works from the foundation of the earth; for this, from thence, there are those He did foreknow whom He also predestinated to be conformed with the image of Christ and them that He did predestinate, He also called, justified and glorified. They are the ones that are called by His name in all ages. They are so special in His plan to the extent that no matter the circumstances of their birth, upbringing and whatever, they are made for the glory of God; and no matter what men do to truncate the destiny of one that is called by the name of the Lord, they fail in that the glory for which the same was made of God must shine forth and his destiny fulfilled. It is therefore, futile for any man to attempt to truncate the glory of anyone called by the name of the Lord who had been glorified from the foundation of the earth.


The circumstances of David’s birth suggest to any that, since he was born in iniquity, he ought not to be attracted unto God or any of His blessings. But he was predestinated from the foundation of the earth to carry God’s glory being a carrier of His name. Hence, he was promoted to being king in replacement of Saul. And while he was in waiting, no matter what Saul did towards truncating his glory or life, it only made him stronger and propelled him further to the fulfilment of that which he was predestined for. Even though the Israeli nation assume every other nation which they called gentiles, are heathen and therefore not fit to carry the glory of God, there are people in such other nations that are predestined to bear the name of the Lord. The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ had since positioned them for the fulfilment of destiny and nothing can change that.


It does not matter what the enemy is up to in a bid to truncating your life or destiny; it does not matter the number of adversaries he has put together to frustrate your fortune, the Lord has good news for you: since you are called by the name of the Lord, you are predestined for glory and that glory must shine. As Saul was unable to prevent the glory of God from shining in the life of pedestrian David, no matter your status in life as of now, that glory which the Lord has attached to you from the foundation of the earth shall begin to shine forth from now in Jesus’ name. When David attained the throne, Saul was no more: those who must pass away for your glory to shine have started packing their loads for your sake in Jesus’ name. Very soon, God will make your enemies your footstool indeed, in Jesus’ name. Please do not quiver: what God has ordained shall come to pass.


SOLUTION: Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which He has already settled on your behalf from the foundation of the earth. Just ensure you do not reward evil with evil. Rather be a purveyor of love and love continually.


Please pray:

·      Give thanks to God who has afforded you His name and glorified you from the foundations of the earth

·      Ask God to please arise and fight your battles for you so that you may live to fulfil that which He predestined you for

·      Pray that every agent of destruction wanting to truncate your destiny be cleared off your path and made your footstool from today

·      Ask God to keep you well and strong to fulfil purpose in His name and for it to be glorified as He has purposed

·      Ask for your daily bread for today


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