Focus: Hebrews 4:12 - KJV
12. For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Luke 4:1-12
The word of God as contained in the Holy Bible is quite powerful and can pull down strongholds. The first Adam had not the benefit of precedents to draw inspiration and knowledge from. But the second Adam was able to live based on tenets that had already been prescribed by the written word of God. When temptations came in the way of man, although it is the devil that orchestrates it, but there is always a physical element present to bring the temptation to bear. That element is ordinarily possessed as a vessel by the devil. Recall Christ saying get behind me Satan to Peter, and the Bible saying Satan entered into Judas Iscariot? So, it is presumable that at the temptation of Christ as recorded in our passage of today, there was a human vessel through whom the temptation was conducted. Hence, when the fellow threw the temptation salvo, by the written word with which Christ responded, the intent of the heart of the tempter was made known. In the same manner, if we encounter temptation which is an attempt to pitch us against God, if we know the word of God, we should put the same forward to counter the tempter. It reveals the intents of his heart to his chagrin and utter disbelief and thereby dislodges him from his nefarious enterprise.
Can you claim to know the word of God? If you don’t, there is danger lurking. We can avoid this danger by starting to study the word from today. Truth is, every time we fall by a temptation, we are distanced from God. When so distanced, we can’t expect to have the benefits of the kingdom. No wonder Paul says can we continue in sin and ask grace to abound? God forbid. If therefore, we must be close to God, we must be able to discern the heart of the tempter through the instrumentality of the word.
SOLUTION: Take time to study the word of God and meditate on it regularly. Attend Bible Studies, seminars, Sunday School and have personal study time. Ensure you learn only from those who know and profess the Gospel of Christ. Not every one that calls Jesus Lord shall inherit the Kingdom. Therefore, be careful from whom you seek knowledge.
Heavenly Father, we submit ourselves unto you for an outpouring of your word into our hearts. By your Spirit, please fill us anew in the name of Jesus Christ. By the presence of your word in our hearts, please help us to overcome the wiles of the tempter at all times in Jesus’ name. Kindly make us fit for your Kingdom in the end by the power in your word to liberate us fully from sin in Jesus’ name.