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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Unfeigned Love

Focus: 1 Timothy 1:5 - KJV

5. Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is a subject that many assume to know. Philosophers have their ideas of love. They speak of Stoic, eros, agape and such stuff. The love that will make man acceptable unto God is one that proceeds out of a pure heart and a good conscience. We cannot claim to love someone when in our assumption of his misbehavior we move to destroy him or at least affect his well-being negatively by vindictively making him look bad before those who should love him. When we do things against our neighbor so that we may cover up our misdeeds or gain popularity and the approval of men to the destruction of such neighbor, it is not love in any way and God is never in it. When there is true love, long suffering is evident – even though it appears my beloved has wronged me, I take it in my stride for an occasion to resolve issues with him that brotherly love may continue; I’ll yet show him kindness even though he may have wronged me, per adventure from my doing so, he might see the light and be redeemed; I’ll not allow myself to be vaunted or puffed up as I know I’m nothing without God and whatever I am, I am only by the grace of God; I’ll refuse to be easily provoked and ensure whatever I do is not self-serving but absolutely devoid of evil; I’ll endure all things for the sake of my beloved, give him the benefit of doubt and even where there appears to be too glaring evidence, I’ll assume on his behalf that he had believed the whisper and lies of the devil so that rather than allow him to perish therein, I’ll seek his rescue and redemption and not rejoice in his iniquity and seeming suffering. That is what love from a pure heart and good conscience is like.

Today, please check your conscience. Are you sure you are fair to that fellow who is ordinarily your beloved from time, with whom you had shared benefits and love in the past? Are you not being unduly puffed up in your reaction against him in the circumstance? Have you tried all you can truly to win back your beloved? Would you be contented if God has treated you the same way you have or you are treating your beloved? It is time to reflect my beloved. Without love we cannot fulfil the commands of God. The opportunity to act right is still available while we still have life. Don’t bungle that opportunity.

SOLUTION: As God has shown you love despite your decadence, show the same measure of love to your neighbor. Never condemn but draw them close in love. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. God is righteous in judgment. He sees and knows it all.

May the heart of love be located in you in truth from now in Jesus name. May the Lord cause you to realize the depth of love required to succeed with Him and take you to that level from this day in Jesus’ name. May you not fail the test of love in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Love truly! Stop feigning.

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