Focus: 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 - KJV
8. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9. Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;
2 Corinthians 7:5-7
There is no gain saying that a call to discipleship with Christ is not a call to cheese and butter. It is important we understand the kind of burden that awaits every believer who is bent on being godly. As soon as we decide for Christ, we declare a war against the kingdom of darkness, which kingdom immediately puts a plan in place to trouble the new believer that he may drop his new conviction. But why? The truth is that the believer now carries light that hurts darkness and the only way to still the hurt is to take out the light. Hence, there is a hauling of troubles, distress, perplexity, persecution, casting down and all matter of discouragement at the believer, just so that he might lose the light and return to darkness. But the Lord who dwells in the light, fortifies every believer with adequate hedge to prevent him from being hurt by the hauling of these vices by the enemy. Only they that are weak do buckle in the face of adversity.
While he was a Pharisee and teacher of the law, Paul assumed he knew God, not knowing that he operated in crass darkness. At the time, he enjoyed every support and encouragement he desired to achieve his enterprise in darkness, which was to discourage Christianity and, where necessary, annihilate those who professed it. Incidentally, he found grace in Christ when he encountered Him on his way to one of his escapades. From then on, he bore the light which he saw and first blinded him. Since the light he bore was now a thorn in the flesh of his initial supporters and encouragers, they turned against him to trouble him and to show him serious affliction. However, because he knew what he carried and was never ready to forsake the light, he remained in the troubles he faced and refused to buckle but was encouraged in the progress he was making in the field of soul-winning and development. His was an example of being persecuted but not forsaken, cast down but not destroyed, perplexed but not in despair.
The Lord has come to encourage all those who are facing some form of persecution, trouble or perplexity of any kind. He wants us to realize that our calling attracts such in that we are making the devil mad. A believer that has no trouble at all, needs to check his sanctification and be sure he is not living in compromise. Once we allow ourselves to be compromised, then we have submitted victory to the devil and he needs not fight us again. Please check it out: even though the enemy is aggressively seeking to bring us down, the Lord always has for us a way of escape, if only we will be strong and of good courage to withstand the wiles, and stand. It is only those who stand to the end that will be saved. When the trouble appears overwhelming, then we must remember never to stop praying. When we do, we summon our ally to our aid, and then, victory is sure.
SOLUTION: Anyone that faints in the face of adversity is of little strength. There is no trouble that confronts us that is more than we can bear. When it appears too hot, we need to remind ourselves that, even when we pass through the fire the Lord is there with us. And if we can humble ourselves to pray, we shall surely see the hand of the Lord in the situation to grant us the needed reprieve.
Please pray:
Father, I thank you for never leaving nor forsaking me. I pray on this day that you will please arise to my rescue from all the pit that the enemy had dug for me. Please bring me out of the fire that I have been thrown into and help me that no flame may kindle me in it. On this very day, please grant me victory over all the situations and circumstances confronting me that I may have rest in you and the enemy be put to shame, in Jesus’ mighty name.
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