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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Walk in Wisdom

Focus: Colossians 4:5-6 - KJV

5. Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. 6. Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Acts 8:26-35

The Lord is passionate about the salvation of all souls. That is why He declares: “all souls are mine”. For this reason, He is concerned about how the souls are handled. Yes, He appointed us witnesses of the Good News so that we may bring souls unto salvation. But how we bring the souls in is a special strategy that must not be messed up. The one outside the kingdom is yet to have knowledge of the things of the kingdom. And the things of the kingdom are seemingly foolish in the eyes of those outside it. Hence, to win those outside, there is a subtle and cultured way to gain the heart of the outsider with words. Therefore, the language to use in witnessing must be with sweet words, not to flatter, but to drive home the point without being harsh. Of course, this is different when addressing those who are already part of the kingdom who ought to know better.

It was not out of place for Paul to refer to the Galatian Christians as foolish Galatians because, as part of the kingdom, they ought to have known better than carry themselves in the manner of the law. By definition, foolishness is akin to lack of knowledge. Meanwhile, when Philip was going to address the Ethiopian eunuch, even though the latter lacked knowledge and admitted it, Philip dared not call him foolish. As foolish as the Jews in Jerusalem were when Peter addressed them after the healing of the crippled man by the beautiful gate of the Temple, Peter took time to lay the basis for the kingdom to them without getting irritated of them for delivering the Master to the authorities to slay. At the end, a whopping three thousand people who were hitherto outside the kingdom were converted.

Beloved, as witnesses of Christ, God wants us to walk in wisdom in our doings: speaking to those who are not yet broken in a manner that will assist them to become broken rather than drive them farther away with our harsh language. It is imperative to heed this guidance if our work as witnesses would be meaningful. May the Lord help you with your language so that you may not with unconscionable words drive souls away from God’s kingdom in the name of Jesus. May you be effective henceforth when you witness Christ with great testimonies following in Jesus name. It is well with you.

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