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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

You can have all you need

Key verse: 2 Corinthians 9:8 - KJV

8. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:

Acts 10:38

Grace is bestowed by God on anyone He deems necessary. When we say grace is bestowed, it is a function of being endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit to be able to do extra ordinary things and live above ordinariness. The general notion about grace is that it is an undeserved favor. As true as that is, some others look at grace alongside the law and compartmentalize both in different dispensations. True that there was a period of law brought about from the time of Moses over Israel; equally, it is true that we are saved by grace through faith. The place the proponents of the compartmentalization miss it however, is to say that because of grace, the law, which is basically love to God and love to one’s neighbor, is abolished. Meanwhile, it was by this same grace that the Lord Jesus Christ was able to go about doing good, in other words, showing love to everyone in need of love because God was with Him. God being with Him, in simple terms means He was with grace.

Meanwhile, the place of the Lord is to, through the Holy Spirit, like He did with Christ, make grace abound to everyone who is on the side of the Lord that they may have sufficiency in all good things so that in turn, out of their sufficiency extend love to others in need at every opportunity. That cannot mean operating outside the law of God which means love. It is, on the contrary, for everyone who has the grace of God to utilize the same like Christ did. If Christ had the grace and did not sin, then every Christ-like person or would be Christ-like must do what Christ did with the grace He had; or must not do what Christ would never have done with the grace made available.

Beloved, hell is real and God is not going to bend the rules because anyone got himself deceived. Yes, the deceiver will bear the brunt of his deeds but the deceived will not go unpunished either. It is important to stay on the lane of God than to go against Him in anyway. At any rate, why would anyone assume a good and holy God will approve anything unholy and bad? Why assume Christ died to erase the sin of Adam and thereby allow man to go living life anyhow like the first Adam did? It indeed does not add up and God is not a part of that.

Pray: Father, do please help the world to come to the understanding of your grace that people will not keep messing with your priorities in Jesus name.

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