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Writer's pictureJide Olaore

Your Expectation is intact

Focus: Proverbs 23:17-18 - KJV

17. Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long. 18. For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.

Isaiah 3:10-11

God is merciful and kind. He loves everyone that He created and would rather have everyone fulfil good purpose on earth. But the enemy is always out to deceive, so that man turns away from his lover, God. When that happens, a separation is caused between God and the fellow who is considered a sinner. Yet because of His longsuffering, God prevents the immediate destruction of the sinner, per adventure he would realize himself and repent. If in the end he fails to repent, the destroyer moves in at a point and destroys the same. Hence, when the sinner appears to be enjoying the fruit of his sinfulness, it appears to those around that there is profiting in sin not realizing that the end of such is destruction unless there is repentance. God is counseling us not to envy sinners when they appear to be enjoying the seeming fruit of sin in the momentary pleasure it yields. Instead, we are to keep leaning on righteousness, believing and trusting God that the end thereof is joy eternal, which is our expectation as the same will surely come to pass.

Beloved, be careful in that office or work place of yours. Those who appear to be living larger than life in the same employment, will someday have their regrets if they don’t repent and yield to the Lord who is at this time beckoning on them to return to Him. Please don’t envy them. Envying them may lead you to yield to the lie of the devil that their ways profit. That which is your expectation shall not be cut off only if you can endure. The Lord is working it out for you. Guess what: God is going to use you in the end to teach the sinner that endurance is a great virtue. Please don’t envy them.

SOLUTION: Steer clear of the sinner and his ill-gotten wealth or momentary enjoyment. Block your ears and eyes to what they do. Stay firmly in Christ Jesus the Author and Finisher of your faith. It is then that you can have your righteous expectation fulfilled.

The Lord Himself will blindfold our eyes and hearts from the pleasure of sin being “enjoyed” by the sinner in Jesus’ name. The power of the Most-High will keep us strong in Himself in Jesus’ name. No matter how the devil tries, our expectations in God shall never be cut off in Jesus’ name.

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